Journal of Econometrics
Vol. 240, 105680

We propose a computational framework to calculate sharp nonparametric bounds (using binary IV that satisfies full independence) on various policy-relevant treatment parameters that are defined as weighted averages of the MTE.

Journal of American Statistical Association

Vol. 119, pp. 2000-2010
*Editor’s Choice 2023

We partially identify the optimal dynamic regime from observational data, relaxing sequential randomization but instead using IVs. As a first step, we establish the sharp partial ordering of welfares, which summarizes the signs of dynamic treatment effects.

Journal of Econometrics
Vol. 234, pp. 732-757

Treatments are determined by strategic interaction, which poses interesting identification problems.

Journal of American Statistical Association
Vol. 116, pp. 192-195

I discuss identification of optimal treatment rules under treatment endogeneity and propose a novel identifying condition.

Journal of Econometrics
Vol. 225, pp. 132-147

Time-varying treatment effects are considered in a nonparametric model with treatment endogeneity.

© Sukjin Han